Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Good Neighbour

Luke 10:29-37
"In June 2011, when disastrous flood- waters chased residents of Minot, North Dakota, from their homes, the people of that community did what seemed to come naturally to them—they helped others who were in need. People from more than an hour away, without being asked, showed up to help. Some loaned their campers to those who lost their homes and others allowed their garages to be used for temporary storage."

The people of that town showed immense amount of love for the flood victims. I mean, it's hard to share your home with people you barely know! It's funny how we can respond so readily and selflessly when people are in need, but when it's our everyday life, do we really show what it means to be a good neighbour?

People who see us, will see God through us. If we embody no love, no mercy and no forgiveness, do we really love God? This is something I struggle with a lot. To be able to show love freely to those I'm not friends with, to those that disrespect me, and to those who don't really "click" with me. It's so easy for me to act rude, or just ignore them. Have you heard of the phrase, "Give respect to get respect"? Or "If you don't respect me, I won't respect you"? How wrong are those! We are God's children, embodied in love to everyone, even those who disrespect us. 

As God's children, love should come naturally, and not be forced. This is something I still have to learn. Although we may not have a natural disaster to respond too, we can show love through others mercy (Luke 10:29-37), treat others fairly (Leviticus 19:13-18; James 2:1-8), speak to others truthfully (Ephesians 4:25), and forgive others completely (Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13).
Our love for Christ is only as real as our love for our neighbour. 

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