How many ways are there to communicate to your friend? Well, there's Facebook, Twitter, SMS, e-mails, and the list goes on and on and on. But how many times do you actually see your friends and hang out with them? Very little, right? These days, most people depend on technology to get the message across, or just to talk. Yes, it's convenient when they live miles and miles away in another country, but when they're down the street?
Paul, in love and humbly, confronted Peter when he saw he was being a hypocrite. He ostracized the Gentiles when he claimed to be one of them. Paul did not send him a text message, or rolled a message in a bottle, he confronted him face to face. When confronting a fellow brother or sister, it's best to tell them face to face, as they can see you're speaking in love and truth. Sometimes, over e-mail or texts, they can interpret it differently than you intended.
A brother of mine, whom stopped talking to me two months ago after a little incident, is one of the closest brother to me. I try so hard to reach out, but sometimes it's seems futile. This devotion reminded me to maybe to be the better person and actually take that step and stop beating around the bush. I need to speak to him in love and truth, and I'll let God do the rest.
A well-chosen word can speak volumes.
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