Thursday, May 24, 2012


What a crazy night. Prom, the once in a lifetime night everyone has been chatting about, getting excited for was today. To be completely honest, i wasn't excited and i dreaded it, the past two days, it got to the point where i felt like it was a chore, a tedious chore that needed to be completed. But surprisingly, once i put on my outfit for the first time, something came over me, and those prom jitterbugs came flocking. And after tonight, i must say that i did have a wonderful, amazing time. It was fun, I was content.

Many people had crazy expectations about it, how it was the perfect night, i know so many people were going crazy, and the news has reported that teenagers are spending hundreds of dollars on this simple night, on make up and dresses, and its just been so hyped and people have had such high expectations. Tonight, i felt like those with such expectations were disappointed. Sometimes we create these expectations for things in life, but they end up disappointing us, whether it may be an event, person, or relationship, we can get disappointed.

But, thankfully, there is something we can have great expectations of and i promise and know that it won't disappoint. That is heaven, eternal life, and our God. Heaven, streets of gold, rooms made with us in mind, eternal life, a life without pain, suffering or tears. We cannot even begin to imagine the love God has for us, and what he has in store for us when we get to heaven. Im excited, and i cannot what to see what he has prepared for me.

Are you expecting something great? 
Yes, my soul, find rest in God;     my hope comes from him.
Psalm 62:5 

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