Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Prince of Peace
A Light Has Dawned.
Christ is the center of our lives. He is the LIGHT of this world. While you were struggling through this dark time in your life have you ever thought of how God is the light in it?
Personally, when i struggle through a difficult time i block God out and talk to friends. It is pretty bad but i think that i do this because i need someone to talk to (that will respond quickly). I find myself ignoring God when I'm going through these difficult moments.
Today i learned that God is always here for you. We often have friends who say don't worry I'll always be here for you. Some are faithful and they do mean it but others, just say it for encouragement. I had this one friend who said those words to me. 10 months later it was all gone. I didn't feel any support or trust in the relationship anymore. From then on i learned that we should stay true to our words.
When we say we're Christian we should act upon it and not be ashamed. God is the light in our lives. Although he puts us into tough situations, he wants us to look up and let him guide the way. We must fully rely on him.
"Hi Jason, our 2012 OJ planning will start soon. I wonder if u and your friends want to join us this year. If you do, I can send you the helper application form this year.Actually, I see if you have interest in running the kids camp as director too."
Monday, January 30, 2012
4 out of 5.
Thirst For His Voice.
We have all these stories to tell our friends, music to jam to, and just about everything involves being loud and having a voice.
God. His voice. He's a GIANT God with a still small voice. We often blast our music while doing homework or just being with friends. Have you ever thought of just turning it all off. Phone on silent, speakers off, and locking yourself in a silent room.
Just listen to Him speak. God's voice can be hard to hear sometimes but we need to remember to talk to him everyday. We often take God for granted. Thank Him for all his doings. He's always there to listen to your struggles and the things you rejoice for.
We have to thirst for his voice. Make it a daily routine.
When The Wind Blows
I had two exams today and to be honest, they were downright horrible. I studied for biology, so that was alright. There was some stuff I should have none but it just slipped out of my head. I studied for physics, but that was just a massacre. I can't really describe it in words but the moment I walked out of my exam, I felt like I wanted to cry. This mark, means a lot, as its whether or not I'll get into my university of choice. But to be honest, if I had a choice, I would rather not want to worry about all this stuff. I mean yeah, you come out with a degree, but in the end, it's just a piece of paper.
University means a lot for my parents because...well, neither of them graduated high school. Yet they're alright. I just don't want to feel like I'm disappointing them. And this physics mark...man. No matter how much help I get, no matter how many times I read the textbook, my mark will always be bad. I found out today that the questions she gives aren't even questions she made up herself; everything my teacher gave us is from the internet! Yet this mark, this mark that reflects stuff we've never even been taught, is going to determine whether or not I get into Waterloo. Dang.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. [Romans 8:28]
But God continues to be faithful and I shouldn't worry...because everything is in his plan. Although it's hard for me to smile these days, he threw a little surprise my way. I was walking to the bus stop, upset and feeling like crap, when one of my friends whom I haven't hung out since the summer came. He's moving second semester a few cities away and well...just talking to him made my day a little brighter. Although I may have done horrible in physics and possibly not even get into university, God will work nevertheless. Despite all this sorrow I've felt in the last month, God is in control. Forever and always.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, POOF!
Genuine Friends
In the New American Oxford Dictionary 2009, they named "unfriend" as the Word of the Year. I'm pretty sure we all know what that word means. On Facebook, have you ever unfriended or took someone off your friend list?
Even on tumblr, we hear of lost friendships and quotes of people saying, "I miss you" or "Wish we were as close as we were before." It seems that friendships come and go like our breathing; it's so easy to forget the meaning of a true friend these days. Sometimes these people that you have on Facebook, you've never met face to face!
“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you” [John 15:15]
Jesus, as a friend of the disciples, asked them hours before he died to keep their friendship alive by following His commands. He should be our ultimate friend; the one we would lay down our lives for. If you say you could lay down your life for your best friend, you should be able to do that for Jesus too, our eternal friend.
Spiritual Gifts.
UNTIL my Sunday school teacher said this one line and repeated it several times.
He said, "God blessed you with ONE gift. Can you believe it?"
The first time he said it, it just went in one ear and out the other. Same for the second. And the third was when it hit me.
God blessed EVERYONE with ONE gift. He took the time to think about who gets what. He didn't just be like "OH kay Beth so you get... THIS and kay done."
NO he didn't! He thought it through with time and effort.
And now you're probably wondering why would he do this ?
Because he cares and he knows you. The reason why we only have one is because he thought it through and placed each gift carefully inside you and i. We can't be 2 gifts at the same time. We can only be one. Why? Because God created us so that we HAVE TO rely on each other. We can build team unity to glorify him.
It just amazed me so much on how God took the time and effort to think this through and give us all one specific gift which was made personally for you and i.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Feeding Frenzy
Today's devotion made a really weird but relevant analogy. Sharks are practically harmless...until they smell blood. Once they do, they all attack and sometimes its called a "feeding frenzy." Sometimes, that feeding frenzy is comparable to church. When one is hurt, do we all comfort them and show them mercy, or do we attack them and point out their flaws?
A lot of people say, and it's evident, they're not comfortable sharing things in church. This is surprising as church should be the one place where people aren't judged, ridiculed or judged based on their lives. Unfortunately, that feeding frenzy happens in church too, and we need to show mercy. We should be offering encouragement and building them up, not down.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." [Matthew 5:7]
Mercy is not getting what we deserve. God has shown us mercy, and therefore, we need to show mercy too. We deserve eternal punishment, but because of the cross, we don't have an eternity away from God.
Why Not With God?
As you watch the sun it starts to fade.
The light from the is like God that's inside of you.
Are you someone who's ashamed of your faith? Do you only show God's light at church then let it fade and push it a side at school?
We should always be shining God's light. If someone looked at us from afar they'll probably think that you're just another person. As children of God we have to shine and show others God's word. Jesus looked like a normal guy. His surface reflected the surroundings. He blended in. But in Matthew 17:1-2 he showed his friends the light inside. He went full out.
We have to be like Jesus and always be shining our light to our friends, family, relatives, etc.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Hidden in the Rock
Have you ever felt beaten by life? Have you ever felt like the world was spitting on you, crushing you to no ends, only to see you suffer until you have nothing left to give but your tears? Have you ever felt that you were so alone, you're so unproductive and the week was going to be crap?
Yeah, I have. All week, and well, exam period is the time where it hurts the most for me. I get anti-social during exam week for some reason. I just don't want to talk to people and I get really agitated too. Especially since it's grade 12, I've been hearing ridicules of "Where's 95% Witty?" and it's really pissing me off. So what I have a 70% average right now? You expect me to know "what went wrong"? You expect me to the proud of the fact that I might not get into Waterloo? Thanks. Like honestly, it's not like I don't know those facts myself.
Today's devotion focused on God being our rock; our hiding place when everything gets hard. God is our hiding place, and I've been just braving the winds myself, stubborn to not go into this shelter in front of me. I know God will always forgive me, will always be there for me, and will always protect me, yet why do I refuse his shelter? He's the rock of the ages, and God is our safest spot.
Dust Bunnies.
19 Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless. 20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.
You're Unique.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
This verse is a verse that is engraved on a ring that i have matching with my friends. Although i don't see them anymore, i still need to thank God for them. Without them, i wouldn't be who i am today.
I feel like many people take their friends, family, relatives, etc. for granted. They don't thank them for what they've done. We often don't say anything because we may be lazy. Laziness shouldn't get in the way of a few words.
Friends are those who stick to us when we're in the worst conditions.
Family, we may not like our family but there's no way we can change it. We'll always have the same parents, siblings, and have the same birth order. They know you inside and out. They've seen you every step of the way. I gotta admit that i can be really dry to my family. They might've frustrated me or it was just because i was in a bad mood.
A simple "Thanks!" can make someone smile. I learned that from my mission's trip to Kenya. Stepping into a country that is completely opposite from Canada was just a slap in the face. I realized that some of them don't have a family to go home to.
We have to thank God for everything. JESUS. Food. Friends. Shelter. Family. School. EVERYTHING. He's given us so much more than we deserve.
We must thank God for everyone who's entered our lives. We may not like them but God put them in your life for a reason.
One simple word can make someone's day. Just say it. Thanks.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Worth The Effort?
My resolution this year was to read the entire bible this year. Front to back, just plain reading. Ultimately, I realized that even if I did read it once through, I wouldn't truly understand and grasp everything, but I would have to read it over and over again until I understood it. Today's devotion made me realize that we should want to read his word; that everything in it, it's perfect in relation to our lives.
Within the bible,there are phrases, encouragements, struggles, lives and testimonies of people that you can clearly see that glorify God. Sometimes I think God can't use me. That there are so many people out there that can obviously glorify him, and spread the good news around better than I can. What use does he have for me?
But reading the bible makes you realize one thing. God can use anyone. So yes, it is worth the effort. You get to fall in love with God over and over again, listening and looking at every aspect of God...his personality, love and dedication to us. Although I may not understand it the first time, the second time, or the third, I am spending time with him, and that in itself, should be worth everything.
Lamentations 3:22-23
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail.23 They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness.
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Jesus is a forgiving man. He didn't let anyone get to his head. We often get judged on by others, whether it be because of our religion, race, or style. We may get compliments that boost our self-esteem but at the same time we get insults that lower it.
Jesus had faced many temptations. He conquered them all by trusting in God. We must do the same. We must forgive those who curse at us or make fun of us. We have to be like Christ.
He forgave us of our sins, thus, we must forgive others.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
personal blended juice.
Regrets are a part of life, yes? If i could go back in time, these would be the regrets i’d like to change.
Dating Someone at the age of 12. What the heck was I thinking? It was a horrible decision, not only was it a failure, ha, i dont even know if you can even call it a relationship, there was nothing. Just shy kids trying something out that had a 100% fail rate. Thinking through it, it was such a stupid move. Reflecting on it, ive come to realize, why would you date so young? even in high school, what are you reasons? Dating has two results, marriage or break up. So dating at an age like that… are you planning on getting married? if not, then you’re just setting up a time bomb that’ll break two hearts at once. And after going through it, there were more regrets that came like a chain reaction. I personally just dont see the point if you dont think/plan on making it last. But it doesnt really matter now cause my love life is currently on hold.
As Christians, i think we can just put our trust and faith in Him to know that he'll provide the perfect spouse in our life, or to not provide one. Maybe we're meant to be single for our life, whats important is that we are adoring and glorifying God in our actions, words, AND our relationships. I think its also important to think about what you're looking for in your partner. I think that the love for Christ is extremely important. I heard from a marriage thing once, if you draw a triangle, God is at the top, and Husband and Wife are on the bottom. If you are both working towards God individually and or together, you two will also get closer to each other.
Family. I’ve been thinking about this a LOT lately, especially since i feel like God is calling me towards family this year. Im kinda ashamed about this. Im sure you’ve read before that my relationship with them arent the best. I see EVERYONE and they have the greatest families, oh so knit and tight, and im thinking my own, about everything, from how we communicate to how we interact, i regret not spending and investing time in them. I wasted 17 years not building up my relationship with them. And sometimes i think to myself, its a lost cause. I cant get it back, its done, next year im leaving for university, and then for 4 years i’ll be gone, and then wow, i’ll be 21 and who knows what’ll happen then. I look at myself and my family, and im in shock, what have i done, i cant believe i failed myself and my family. Its probably one of my bigger struggles right now, and i just dont know what to do about it. Like the other night, we were “discussing” for an hour or so because we were trying to resolve a conflict, and by the end of it all, i think to myself, we still dont fully understand each, it seems like it, but we’re totally on different channels. It may be the culture/generation difference, but i dont know. i just dont know what to do next. It just seems impossible to revive.
This is hard to work with everyday. Family is extremely important. Like it says in the bible, obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord. Sometimes i question God why i was placed in this family, why do i have this mom, this dad, and this brother? What are you trying to tell me? I personally dont think we really mesh at all... but thats how it is and that was apart of God's plan. Can i ask that you pray for me about this, i really dont know what to do, i have 9 more months with them before i leave, and then who knows what'll happen after that.
Letting Go. If you read the last post on the blobfish site, you wouldve read about this one friend i have. I’ve been trying to build a strong friendship with them for the past 6-7 years. Its been a long time, and i wouldnt give up. I’d be constantly praying for it to work out, but i’ve always felt like it was a one way thing. I feel like im working so hard at it, and they just decide to be inactive and just non-responsive. Its frustrating but i just kept hacking away at it. This friend is also so unpredictable, sometimes they’re a happy as a bird and just yay-oh-the-world-is-great with you and the next thing you know it, they’re just out of it, and just.. like a rock sitting at the bottom of the ocean. But finally, after 7 years (i know right!) i’ve finally learnt to let go and move on. I told myself that ive done my part, and its just their turn, im waiting for them to take the initiative. I dont know if they’ve realized what i’ve done, but even though im letting go, i just want them to know one thing. The past few years was “lets be best friends and get through everything together! yay!” but now its “yah know what, do what you like, but even though im giving up, doesnt mean i wont be there for you.”
Trusting in God. im learning to do this everyday. I remember during those 7 years, i would trust and constantly be praying for opportunities for the friendship to grow stronger, i was literally praying everyday for years. Wild eh. Even now, that i've moved on, im still praying that they'll remember that im here, and that even though we'll go our separate paths, that it wont affect our friendship or either of our walks with God. Im praying for my friend constantly, and i wish the best for them.
Going through the post again, i wonder why God gave these to me, am i to learn something from this? And what would it be? What is he trying to tell me? Whats the bigger picture? Trusting in God, Let Go[d].
Walk In It.
We may sometimes doubt God. I, personally, have done that. I didn't believe that I was walking in the right path. There were so many temptations that i just gave up on God. I didn't know where to walk.
After reading these verses, i realized that no matter how many challenges we face it's all made for a reason. He's planned everything out for us.
He's got his plan and we follow it. He's there no matter what. He's the one that leads us.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Filler Up!
We have to believe in what God has said to us. He sent his one and only Son down to save us from our sins. (John 3:16)
Jesus died on the cross to save our sins. His blood was shed for us. His blood represents the blood of a lamb. Before Jesus was born, people had to sacrifice a clean and pure lamb in order for God to forgive them. This is where the name "Lamb of God" comes from.
After Jesus died, he rose 3 days later. We have to believe that he has risen and he did it to save us from our sins. Yes, we all make mistakes, we get tempted by Satan, but in the end we need to repent with the right mind and heart and promise God that we wouldn't do the sin again.
A Full Life
During CNY, we often here phrases that wish you a "full" year. A year where you will be prosperous. Then you get the red pockets. But think about it; what does a full life really have? A verse Pastor Kelly stated on Sunday was John 10:10, where God says you will have life, but he will give you life to the fullest.
This passage talks about how God will provide everything, yet don't forget to praise God for everything he's given you...or your heart will become proud and you will forget your God. I feel as if lately, I forgot who the Creator was. I truly needed to thank him for every moment, the fact that I'm still alive and breathing and despite all the problems that are arising within my life, I need to thank him because he's drawing me closer.
God often tells us that you are blessed, so you may bless others...but in return, he will make sure you will be blessed even greater. And I received that kind of love from God today, and it just made me stand in awe. I realized, man, God really does make things work in his plane. He really does. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. (:
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Thank God for Music
The Sabbath.
So here it is!
Leviticus 23:23 - 25
The Festival of Trumpets
23 The LORD said to Moses, 24 “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. On the first day of the appointed month in early autumn,[e] you are to observe a day of complete rest. It will be an official day for holy assembly, a day commemorated with loud blasts of a trumpet. 25 You must do no ordinary work on that day. Instead, you are to present special gifts to the LORD.”
We often forget that God made the 7th day (Sunday) as a day of rest. Most of us, including myself, start cramming all our tests and assignments on this day and we put our full concentration on doing work, instead of on God.We need to remind ourselves constantly that on Sundays we have to give it all to God. He's our creator and he made us so that we can worship him. Personally, I do sometimes forget to focus on Him and i get caught up with school work and don't bother praying or anything. Once i think of it, yes, i do regret it. We never know when our last day is so we must live each day to the fullest.
The reason for the day of rest is because when God created the world he did it all in 6 days and on the 7th he rested. He took a step back and looked at his creation. We should acknowledge the fact that we are still on earth. We have to be thankful for everything that we are given.
great reminder.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
backing in.
I stumbled across a video and it was a little slap in the face. It showed me not to judge on what someone looks like or how they act. God made us different in every possible way. He accepts us for who we are and we should do that to others too. God doesn't love one person and yet, at the same time, hate another. He accepts each and every one of us. No matter what we do, no matter how many sins we've made. He still loves us.
We should learn to accept others for who they are because we are all unique in our own way. It may be hard at first but God will pull us through.
They got their swag and you got yours.
Here's the video.
It's funny how God uses yeast in this passage to make his point; I love baking, but I am horrible when it comes to working with yeast. God tells that a little yeast works through a whole patch of dough. Yet, it only takes a little sin to work through an entire soul. We need to purge; meaning get rid of it all.
No matter how small one's sin is, it'll affect their entire being. The sins I have been dealing with a lot lately, is jealously and envy. But as Christ says,
"Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast-as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed." [1 Corinthians 5:7]
Although Christ's second coming has not come yet, we need to proclaim his name until he comes. It's time to get rid of that "yeast" and live for Christ, not to be overcome with sin.
Sin's contamination requires a Saviour's cleansing.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Because He First..
Period 1: Math. all we did was review. i sat there not knowing what to do (cuz i fnished it the night before) and then i realized BIO QUIZ NEXT PERIOD! so i studied long and hard then BEEEEPPPP
Period 2: Bio. Started off like a regular quiz day. desks separated. bags on the floor and notes are out of sight. after we finished the quiz the teacher left the class to get something from another room. then all of a sudden BEEEEEEEPPPPP!
FIRE ALARM IS OFF! It was no drill. Why would they set a drill at THIS temperature it must have been - 10 AT LEAST. Some people were in SHORTS and a T-SHIRT (for gym) and some in T-SHIRT and skinnnies. and a few lucky ones managed to go to their locker and grab their jackets.
No one knew what was going on, all we saw was a bunch of tlea-ers walking towards the field. we stood outside for a good 45 min, clueless. none of the teachers knew what was going on. After 45 min of standing outside in the cold we had to move and go to an elementary school nearby. We totally bombarded their school and we chilled in the gym and library. Once we got back inside the school (after a good hour and a bit) we had to stay in our classrooms and wait for announcements. After they announced the period schedules it was already onto fourth period. No one was at school and so i decided to skip.
AND SO that was my school day (: what an amazing and unforgettable way to end of this stressful week.
THANKFULLY no one got hurt. I realized that although we had to suffer through the coldness outside and the horrible stench of the fire (caused by a cigar) it's NOTHING compared to what Jesus had to go through. HE sacrificed himself for YOU and I. He went through pain and suffering just for YOU. His pain is NOTHING compared to standing outside for 45 min in the cold. I know it was a horrible situation but i learned to thank God for keeping us safe and sacrificing himself.
Who knows what could have happened. The fire could have hit a gas pipe which will lead to the school EXPLODING!
Through these tough times we should thank God for them. We may not like how they work out but God's got your path set and ready for you.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
What Was He Thinking?!
Ya Never Know!
My bio teacher asked the class if we were interested in becoming a part of research for breast cancer. At first it didn't sound like any fun until my friend turned towards me and asked me if i was interested. So i thought to myself, "What good would this do to me?" i thought for about 5 minutes and i decided to volunteer to become one of the candidates.
After that class was over i asked myself if there would be any possible way of getting breast cancer. I was sure enough that i wouldn't. Today, as i was talking to another bio teacher (who just recovered from breast cancer) she asked me if i had any questions about it. I asked her if my grandma (who died of breast cancer) and my mother (who has the symptoms for it) would there be any possible way for me to be diagnosed with it? She said there is a high risk of me getting it. (after talking about other background info of genetics and stuff) Also, my other grandma (dad's side) suffered from Glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the optic nerve is damaged, permanently damaging vision in the affected eye(s) and progressing to complete blindness if untreated. My dad is diagnosed with it and there is also a high risk of it getting passed on to me. So either way when i grow up it's either glaucoma or breast cancer. 2 very serious situations that could potentially kill me.
As i walked out of the class i didn't know what to think. first thought that went through my mind was "Why me God?" It was one of those moments. I knew it was wrong to think of that thought but it happen. I wasn't sure when i would get diagnosed, how it felt, how much it would cost for treatment, and how it would affect my family.
I soon realized that we never know what's going to happen next. God plans everything perfectly. He knows our every move. We should live life to the fullest because we never know when our last day will be.
We should be thankful for everything that he's given to us. Good or bad.
By Faith
Sometimes I wonder if I really believe in God, or is it just me thinking I believe in God. Then I realize that's Satan's clouding my judgement and I quickly start to pray. This passage really...well...slapped me across the face today.
This morning started off horrendously. I was up at 12AM, attempting to do my homework, but I didn't understand it. Like...it just didn't make sense to me. Calculus became a lost cause; Physics was no better; Biology just didn't compute in my brain; English was just...Hamlet's confusing, that is all. As if it couldn't get any worse, my friend whom I asked for help with my DECA paper, made a few changes that basically...well...changed my entire paper. I was so frustrated because that's not how it was supposed to be; I made certain I didn't repeat my mistakes back at Internationals and he basically just dug them all up. I was so frustrated, lost and angry that I began to cry. I didn't complete any of my homework and I just cried.
Come this morning, I found out I failed my physics test. With a 40%. You would think that if the class average is like a low 60, the teacher would think there's something wrong? Nope. She just makes it harder and harder, doesn't review, can't teach, and well, it got me so upset. I was crying at school for two periods. My friends all had something to do, and I decided to clear my mind. It was snowing outside and I basically spent my lunch period standing in the cold, listening to Hillsong United's I Heart Revolution, and praying with two people over the phone. I couldn't believe it. With my current mark, I don't meet university standards for any of my program. I need over a 75% and well, I'm at a 60% at the moment. I was devastated.
I asked God constantly; Why? I used to be a 90 student. My averages were 90-96% from grade 9 to 11, and come grade 12, I can't even maintain a 70. It's heartbreaking to think I wasted about $300 of my parents, applying to university when I can't even buy a pair of new shoes to replace my old, broken ones. We're so tight on money, its ridiculous.
Then this passage...well, God is basically saying, by faith, I can do anything.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." [Hebrews 11:1]
Sure, I can't see God, but I believe, despite what Satan says. Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and many more dedicated their life because of faith. It was by faith they did all those things for the Lord; by faith they saved, conquered and brought humanity to where it is today. I think my favorite part of this devotion was verse 6.
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." [Hebrews 11:6]
Throughout that lunch period, people I called and texted were constantly saying, marks don't matter; God loves you; it's in God's plan; God will be faithful; God won't harm you; It'll work out. And I constantly said no, nothing matters. I'm not going to get into university, and I'm better off as dead. I don't want to go into engineering anymore, I might as well work at McDonalds or something. I was just a mess. I got home and looked into the mirror. I was a mess! But God proved himself faithful, and I just pray that by faith, God will bless his servant. He has shown me that he, no matter what, can make himself known.
By faith, I can do anything, because it's in God's will, and he certainly testified today that he is in control. I just pray that I will be able to at least get a 75% for my physics mark. Right now, I am considering night school and well...I don't want to go [it's late at night, dangerous, etc], but if it's in God's will, I'll go. I don't know what his plan is, but by faith, I'll trust in him. By faith, I'll do whatever it takes to just have him work in my life. By faith, I know I can depend on him. By faith, I can do anything.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Clearing The Air: Baptism
Today's devotion really hit home for me. Not because it was relevant, but because the example they used, it's happening to me. My mom suffers from a condition in which there's a ringing in her ear, 24/7, and it's unbearable sometimes; she can faint quickly, she can get dizzy easily, noise really hurts her. Sometimes, I can't imagine how it can feel, and I do not consider it. Sometimes, I wish the relationship with my parents was better. Sometimes, I wish I could sympathize and stop treating them so cruelly. But this ringing, I wonder if she ever gets frustrated?
Frustration happens to me all the time. Whether its school, or yearbook, or friendship problems, I just get frustrated over stuff I shouldn't sometimes! But this devotion made me realize that my mom is strong; she's brave; she's standing firm in her love for her children, so she doesn't share her constant pain. That quality is admirable. She's fearless.
"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." [Ephesians 6:19-20]
Despite the problems in my life, I should be devoted to fearlessly declaring the gospel. Whether its at school or at church, I shouldn't be frustrated over anything, but armed with the armor of God and ready to spread the good news. My mom is and will be frustrated, but she stands firm in her love for her children. When life begins to throw things at us that we don't really want to deal with, stand firm with the armor of God and stand fearlessly in his word. That's one thing I need to learn how to do. To stand fearlessly and not to get frustrated when life throws me rotten lemons. The hardships I endure that life gives, is nothing compared to the persecution I should receive as a Christian. Don't be frustrated. Be fearless.
We all tend to worry over things. It may be from marks to friends. For me, I worry about many things. But the thing that I worry bout most is my future. All these nasty thoughts run through my head as i continue my day at school.
We have to remember not to worry about things and lift it up to God. It may be hard at first but, there's nothing you will regret afterwards.
After a sermon or Sunday school class, I tend to forget things. I often walk out like nothing has happened. I think that many of us listen to a sermon and it goes in and then out. We have to learn to meditate on God's word. Put his Word into action. Be the salt and light of the world. Practice His word by reviewing over and over again in your head.
The more time you spend reviewing what God has said, the more you will understand the “secrets” of this life that most people miss.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I realized that there was something going on outside. It was the wind. I thought to myself, why is so powerful right now? How come we have to go through all this?
Then, it hit me. God, the creator of all things, is making us go through this. His strength is so abundant that some of us don't realize that what's happening around us is what God has in store for us. As i listen to the wind i realize how protected we are right now. We have a home to live in, a bed to sleep in every night. Something as simple as wind can just pick us up and throw us across town but God decides to keep us safe in our homes.
He is so powerful and almighty and we have to remember to thank Him for everything that we've gone through. Good or bad.