Friday, January 27, 2012

Hidden in the Rock

Psalm 18:30-36
Have you ever felt beaten by life? Have you ever felt like the world was spitting on you, crushing you to no ends, only to see you suffer until you have nothing left to give but your tears? Have you ever felt that you were so alone, you're so unproductive and the week was going to be crap?

Yeah, I have. All week, and well, exam period is the time where it hurts the most for me. I get anti-social during exam week for some reason. I just don't want to talk to people and I get really agitated too. Especially since it's grade 12, I've been hearing ridicules of "Where's 95% Witty?" and it's really pissing me off. So what I have a 70% average right now? You expect me to know "what went wrong"? You expect me to the proud of the fact that I might not get into Waterloo? Thanks. Like honestly, it's not like I don't know those facts myself.

Today's devotion focused on God being our rock; our hiding place when everything gets hard. God is our hiding place, and I've been just braving the winds myself, stubborn to not go into this shelter in front of me. I know God will always forgive me, will always be there for me, and will always protect me, yet why do I refuse his shelter? He's the rock of the ages, and God is our safest spot. 
When the world around you is crumbling, God is the rock on which you stand. 
[I did my devotions yesterday, but I forgot to blog since I  knew if  I got onto the computer, I would be unproductive. ;x]

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