Monday, January 23, 2012

Filler Up!


"Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts." (Colossians 3:16 NLT)

Let the message FILL YOUR LIVES. I found this so important. I've tried to many years and have made it my resolution to memorize Bible verses, to be constantly drowning in his love, his word, his promises, and his life.

I've struggled with doing this for a while now, i've tried to read the bible, doing devos and i think this year, it really kicked in. Doing devos here is definitely a challenge sometimes, but its worth it. We need to continuously be reminded to look and focus on the cross. Doing a devo blog with other friends for sure keeps you more accountable. And i love the end result as well, reading what i've written and what i've learnt.

Memorizing bible verses, recently i got an iPhone, and i downloaded this app, Phonto! Basically its an app filled with different fonts (i love fonts) and it allows you to add text to a photo. I took a photo of just black, so it could be my background, and lately i've been making text images, that i use as wallpapers, and i think the process really helped grind it into my mind. And sometimes on the walk to school, i try to recall all i have done, and it works! A lot better than other things.

Reading his word is so important. A heard a quote once that said "Christian books are not a replacement for the Word of God" and thats so true. Im reading "You Can Change" by Tim Chester, and its a great book, but its not the scripture. We need to focus on just that because it is assured that THE WORD is true, and is God's words, speaking to you.

Learn to indulge into his Word, keep thinking about it, and you will embody it.

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