Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Handle With Care

Psalm 90:1-12
When you look under your sink at your cleaning products, most have labels telling you of dangers with using those products. These may include the skull or a flame shape, and they warn us the potentials of using it to clean. Or you may have went to Starbucks or Tim Hortons for a cup of coffee and noticed the, "Warning! This drink is extremely hot!" How about you making can soup or drinking some milk. Doesn't it tell you the "use-by" date or the "expiry" date? Our lives are surrounded with warnings, heeding us to stop, and think about the harms of using that product, warning us before it spoils, or just simply telling us what could happen. 

Now, have you ever received a package, or went on vacation, and saw a sticker that said, "FRAGILE: HANDLE WITH CARE"? Sometimes life needs to have that sticker on too.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." [Psalm 90:12]

For many, life is something we take advantage us. While others out there are struggling to live another day, many of us want to kill ourselves, stealing away the gift many cannot be sure they are able to utilize. If you think about it, all it takes is so little to end a life. A swerve of a driver, a falling object, or a safety equipment snapping; all these are little things that could quickly end our lives. 

Do we truly appreciate the gift God gives us daily? Do we use it each day to glorify his name? Because I know I don't live each day like it's my last. I think, "Oh, I can do that tomorrow, or next week," but who are we to say we are able to live another day? I pray that God will teach me to "number my days aright" in order to "gain a heart of wisdom" so I do not live life foolishly. Today could be my last.
Yesterday is gone; tomorrow is uncertain; today is here. Use it wisely.  

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