Monday, March 5, 2012

Hello, My Name is: Provider


Lets try something new. I have my "Clearing The Air:" series, where i tackle misunderstandings and concepts of Christianity from homosexuality, to baptism. Here's a new one i want to bring up, "Hello, My Name is:" series. This will be i guess introducing our God to you. He has so many names. Yahweh, Alpha & Omega, Lamb of God. But today i want to talk about his name: Provider.

Our God provides. He provides everything we need, but not necessarily everything we want. As GOD, the great, everlasting, almighty God, life is in his hands. He sees all, the past, the present, and the future and he knows EXACTLY what is best for you, at what time. He is above all else and works to give you the best. But it is your choice whether to receive it or not.

In times of struggle and weakness, may it be physically, financially, God will provide. I remember having my parents give me an assignment once to help improve my english, through writing. They wanted me to write a list of the things we have to bring in case of an emergency. And I write one thing. God. Because he will provide with everything we need.

This requires a LOT of trust. We need to put our full faith in our God, knowing that he knows all, and putting our entire life into his hands, knowing he will steer us in the right direction.

He's known as the Provider. Are you letting him do his job? Or are you still trying to take it upon yourself to provide for yourself?

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