Friday, February 10, 2012


Genesis 27:6-23
Have you ever watched a movie and saw a character who was just perfect? There were no flaws on that person. Then there is the counterpart in the movie, where the character is flawed and broken. But that's what makes them human, I think. No matter how much Korean dramas or movies I watch, I know for sure that a perfect person doesn't exist. Because when one is flawed, it means they're human.

In this passage, Jacob takes away Esau's blessing, despite knowing its wrong. He knew the consequences, and he already took away his birthright, yet it wasn't enough. Isn't that like us sometimes? Greedy? Hungry for more? Never satisfied? I know that for me, yeah, I'm like that sometimes. We all are, because we're flawed. We're sinners

Just like Peter or Gideon, we've all been against the Lord because we were attempting to hide our weaknesses, shoving them in the corner. Yet as we continue to look at their stories, they realized their shortcomings and depended on the Lord! As they trusted in him, God led them down a path where he was in control, not us.

Realizing our flaws, the sinner within us, helps us to realize that God can use us for anything and everything! Even though we may be like Jacob who's deceitful and greedy, God can ultimately turn and transform our hearts around. 
It's good to learn our weakness if it drives us to lean on God's strength.  

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