Saturday, February 25, 2012

Let Down Your Hair

John 12:1-8
Everyone has heard of the story of Mary pouring perfume on Jesus' feet and wiping it with her hair. Yet this devotion taught me a lot about sacrifice too, the topic of MOBS yesterday. It was stated that the perfume was worth a year's wages. Think about it. You worked for a year, 365 days, to buy this perfume. This little bottle that costed so much. And you're not even using it for yourself! It's like buying a car, but giving it away! Obviously a car is a bigger, but you get the picture. Thinking about it, it's like....WOAH!

But taking a deeper look, did you know back then, respectable women never put down their hair in public? Yet she took it out of whatever hairdo she had it in, and cleaned his feet. His dirty feet which walked miles and miles and probably has a bazillion germs on it! With her hair! Not only is she sacrificing this yearly-wages of perfume, but also her reputation.

Now that, is true worship. To be able to ignore everything in the world, and only think about what God feels for you. People will look down on you, snicker and insult you for your faith, as did Mary had happen to her due to her act. But she didn't care. She wanted to worship. She didn't care if she was going against what society said, or what people might say about her. How strong is that faith? Is that like ours? 'cause I know for sure that's something I have to work on. To be able to just worship wholeheartedly, giving up everything no matter what the people around me might say or do. God, will you take over.
Our worship is right only when we are right with God and with others. 

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