Genesis 8:22
"As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
Every year we have seasons. They always come and go and you can't change the order of it. Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
Leaves go through different stages during each season. In the summer it looks beautiful, the trees are all an explosion of colour. The comes fall, when the leaves start to shed off the trees and it goes onto the floor. Then comes winter, leaves are all gone and trees are bare. And finally spring, the moment when all the leaves come back, growing slowly and soon gets beautiful.
It's very similar to our walk with God.
Summer. We feel close to God, warm in his love, growing and bearing fruit.
Fall. It feels as if things are dying, it's getting colder.
Winter. There's a little sign of life but God may feel distance.
Spring. There are new buds and signs of hope, God is moving. And it's a time of promise.
Year after year the seasons follow one another. A sign of God's faithfulness to his people. Spring always follows after winder and nothing will stop that as long as the earth endures.
Just as God maintains the rhythms of the year, he will be faithful to you. He is with you now and will lead you on. Thank God for the spiritual season that you are in now.
Everyone changes and it's a matter of time when we realize that God is the one who does all this.
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