This step in faith is just amazing. It's to publicly proclaim your faith.
Seeing all my friends getting baptized one by one just amazes me. Growing up with them and watching them change from immature to mature, short to tall, and everything in between just makes me think of how all this happen so quickly.
It takes a lot of guts to get baptized and it takes a long process. In my church it's mandatory that you attend a session that teaches you about what it is, how it's meaningful, and what happens afterwards. This session helps us to understand the true meaning of baptism. It just isn't going into a little pool, saying 'I do' then getting dunked.
The reason for the water is because when we were first born our mother's water broke, this symbolizing a new life, something that is coming from the womb. Being born again means that you are willing to change yourself from whatever you may be to a Christ follower.
I'm truly so proud of all my friends who are getting or who are baptized because it's just incredible to see them take a huge step in their faith.
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