Monday, April 2, 2012

Ordinary Versus Extraordinary

Romans 8:12-26
In golf, the highest score you can get is 59. Before 2010, only three times has this ever happened. But in 2010, two individuals scored 59...within a month of each other! This caused many to view this score as common; something that is easily achievable now and even almost ordinary. But if you think about it, two perfect scores within a month? Isn't that kind of extraordinary, not ordinary? 

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." [Romans 8:26]

If you think about it, talking to the creator of the universe, the God who knows every little detail about us and the one who creates each new day, is kind of extraordinary, isn't it? Yet how many of us think of prayer as extraordinary? I know many of us believe that prayer is something we do grudgingly and half-hearted most of the time, but it's truly an amazing thing. You're talking to the creator of the universe. If Bill Gates was in front of you, yeah, that's cool, but talking to God? Dang, that's amazing. 

Sometimes we're just so awestruck, we have no idea what to say! The Holy Spirit guides us, and places words in our mouth that are pleasing to God. Remember that prayer is not a right, but a privilege. God didn't have to put a way for us to communicate with him, but he did. We can call on him in any moment of the day, whether we're rejoicing or struggling.

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." [Romans 8:18]

Like today, I come home from school feeling like crap. The day wasn't that well, and ultimately, I feel tired of school, life and the drama that's around me. But that's nothing compared to knowing God, talking to God and glorifying our heavenly Father. Let us rejoice when we pray, no matter the situation, and remember that we're talking to the God that created the universe!
God is always available to hear the prayers of His children.

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