Sunday, April 29, 2012


When you eat something spicy what does your mouth feel like? How do you react? 

Maybe you gulp a glass of water, fan your mouth with your hand, close your mouth, relish the burn, and start to sweat. Whatever you do, it's practically automatic. Your body sends a signal to your brain saying "Help!" Your brain reacts, sending signals to your body. Before you know it, you're gulping a glass of water. Your mouth feels better. 

Mark 13:11

Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

Did you know the Holy Spirit has the power to give you words to say? Not words to crush or intimidate, but words to teach and to reveal God's Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows what you say, even when you don't. And just as your brain moves you to cool down your spice-abused mouth, the Holy Spirit moves you to speak. 

Have you ever spoken God's words?

If you don't remember that a glass of water is available when your mouth is burning, your brain will find an alternative. Likewise, if you don't rely on the Holy Spirit within you for words to say, you'll find an alternative to God's words- your own. 

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