“If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but . . . for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible.”
- Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855)
God gives us many opportunities. Some evident, and some not. I find that sometimes, God can be extremely humourous. At times, I find him tugging at my heartstrings, but it's so faint, it's so subtle, that most of the time, I pass over the opportunities he gives me. Then down the road, I finally realize what God has been telling me all this time! God made me look in the direction, but I was so busy seeing what was down the road, I forgot to see what was right in front of me!
Paul saw so many opportunities, and he knew how to grasp every single one of them by listening to the Lord's call. Even if he was in jail, he was able to share the gospel. Paul has been through so much more than what we go through everyday, but each time, he uses that situation to share the gospel. How I wish I was like that! To be able to utilize any situation and turn it towards God.
"But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me." [1 Corinthians 16:8-9]
One thing I love about this passage is the fact he states clearly there are people that oppose him. And Paul uses that fact to drive his passion for ministry even further. Despite people hating on him, throwing him in jail and demoralizing him, he continues to go on because they hate him and he shows them love!
In every situation, let's use it as an opportunity to show God's work in our lives! I bet you anything that God will use you in ways you can't even imagine; surprising you, and the people you're reaching out too!
God writes opportunity on one side of the door and responsibility on the other.
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