Whenever I'm angry or pissed off, I tend to rant and act without love. I say things I don't mean, and when I think back on it, I regret it but my pride keeps me from apologizing. The prime example is my younger brother. He grew up getting everything he wanted since he was the youngest child, and my parents barely had any time to look after him. After being used to all these treatments, 12 years later, he's extremely unmannered, rude, has no respect for anyone (not even elders...), has no sense of hygiene and often cries when things don't go his way. Sometimes, I get so annoyed with dealing with him, I just yell at him, telling him all the things he does wrong and how spoiled he is.
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." [Proverbs 15:1]
Instead of yelling, I should act in love and just tell him softly. Usually when someone is being yelled at, they eventually get angry and it just adds fire. This isn't how Christ wants us to act, and it's certainly not our first response. I pray that I will be able to find the heart to break down my pride and apologize when my words stir up anger, and make the situation worse, while acting out in love in every situation.
A soft answer has often been the means of breaking a hard heart.
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